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Detroit Lions Images

Detroit Lions Information

The Detroit Lions are a professional American football team based in Detroit, Michigan. They are members of the North Division of the National Football Conference (NFC) in the National Football League (NFL), and play their home games at Ford Field in downtown Detroit.

San Diego Chargers Images

San Diego Chargers information

The San Diego Chargers are a professional American football team based in San Diego, California. They are currently members of the Western Division of the American Football Conference (AFC) in the National Football League (NFL). The club began play in 1960 as a charter member of the American Football League, and spent its first season in Los Angeles, California before moving to San Diego in 1961. The Chargers play their home games at Qualcomm Stadium. Ever since the Rams and the Raiders left Los Angeles in 1994, the Chargers are currently the only professional football team based in Southern California.

Detroit Red Wings Images

Detroit Red Wings Information

The Detroit Red Wings are a professional ice hockey team based in Detroit, Michigan. They are members of the Central Division of the Western Conference of the National Hockey League (NHL), and are one of the Original Six teams of the NHL.

As of 2010, the Red Wings have won the most Stanley Cup championships (11) of any NHL franchise based in the United States, and are third overall in total NHL championships, behind the Montreal Canadiens (24) and Toronto Maple Leafs (13). They currently play home games in the 20,066 capacity Joe Louis Arena after having spent over 40 years playing in Olympia Stadium.

Between the 1933–34 and 1965–66 seasons, the Red Wings missed the playoffs only four times. More recently, the Red Wings have made the playoffs in 25 of the last 27 seasons, including the last 20 in a row (1991–2011). This is the longest current streak of post-season appearances in all of North American professional sports.

Green Bay Packers Images

Green Bay Packers Information

The Green Bay Packers are an American football team based in Green Bay, Wisconsin. They are members of the North Division of the National Football Conference (NFC) in the National Football League (NFL). The Packers are the current NFL champions. Green Bay is the second-oldest franchise in the NFL.

Facade Images

Facade Information

A facade or façade (is generally one side of the exterior of a building, especially the front, but also sometimes the sides and rear. The word comes from the French language, literally meaning "frontage" or "face".

In architecture, the facade of a building is often the most important from a design standpoint, as it sets the tone for the rest of the building. Many facades are historic, and local zoning regulations or other laws greatly restrict or even forbid their alteration.

Rosie Huntington-Whiteley Images

Rosie Huntington-Whiteley Information

Rosie Alice Huntington-Whiteley (born 18 April 1987) is a British model best known for modelling for Victoria's Secret and for replacing Megan Fox as the lead female character in the upcoming Transformers: Dark of the Moon, part of the Transformers franchise.

Miami Dolphins Images

Miami Dolphins Information

The Miami Dolphins are a professional American football team based in the Miami metropolitan area in Florida. The team is part of the Eastern Division of the American Football Conference (AFC) in the National Football League (NFL). The Dolphins play home games at Sun Life Stadium in the northern suburb of Miami Gardens, and have their headquarters at the Miami Dolphins Training Facility in Davie, Florida.

Angus t. jones Images

Angus t. jones Information

Angus Turner Jones (born October 8, 1993) is an American actor. He is best known for his role as Jake Harper in the CBS sitcom Two and a Half Men (2003–present).

Seattle Seahawks Images

Seattle Seahawks Information

The Seattle Seahawks are a professional American football team based in Seattle, Washington. They are currently members of the Western Division of the National Football Conference (NFC) in the National Football League (NFL). The team, along with the Tampa Bay Buccaneers, joined the NFL in 1976 as expansion teams. Seattle is the only team to have played in both the AFC (American Football Conference) and NFC Championship Games. The Seahawks' first and only Super Bowl appearance was in 2006 for Super Bowl XL. In 2010, they became the first ever NFL team to win a division title or a playoff berth in a complete season with a record below .500 (7-9). Six days after clinching their division, they also became the first NFL team to win a playoff game with a 7-9 record, as they defeated the defending champion New Orleans Saints 41-36.

Dallas Cowboys Images

Dallas Cowboys Information

The Dallas Cowboys are an American football team that plays in the Eastern Division of the National Football Conference (NFC) in the National Football League (NFL). They are headquartered in Valley Ranch in Irving, Texas, a suburb of Dallas. The team plays its home games at Cowboys Stadium in Arlington, Texas, a suburb of Fort Worth which finished construction in time for the 2009 season. The Cowboys joined the NFL as a 1960 expansion team. The team's national following might best be represented by its NFL record of consecutive home sell-outs. The Cowboys' streak of 160 sold-out regular and post-season games began in 1990, and included 79 straight sellouts at their former home, Texas Stadium, and 81 straight sell-outs on the road. The franchise shares the record for most Super Bowl appearances (8) with the Pittsburgh Steelers, corresponding to most NFC championships (8). The Cowboys are the only NFL team to record 20 consecutive winning seasons (1966–1985), in which they only missed the playoffs twice (1974 and 1984), an NFL record that remains unbroken and unchallenged. It remains one of the longest winning streaks in all of professional sports.

Ryan Mallett Images

Ryan Mallett Information

Ryan Mallett (born June 5, 1988), nicknamed "Big Tex", is an American football quarterback for the New England Patriots of the National Football League, taken in the third round of the 2011 NFL Draft. He played college football for the Arkansas Razorbacks. Mallett spent his freshman year at the University of Michigan.

Kegiatan “Pondok Pecut” di SMP Islam Kepanjen

Annyong haseyo everybody......!!!!

Wah, udah seminggu lebih gue gag buka blog ku....
Abisnya.... gue lagi sibuk ngadepin Ujian Nasional.
Do’ain aku Lulus yah....!
Oh ya….. lo tau gag? Sekarang gue baru aja pulang dari kegiatan pondok pecut.....
Sumpah capek banget.......

Maybe, kalian semua pada bingung kan, apa Pondok Pecut itu...
Well, this time aku mau bahas kegiatanku selama pondok pecut....

Pondok Pecut” kedengarannya pasti aneh ya...
Pondok pecut itu adalah suatu kegiatan yang cuma ada di sekolahku, SMP Islam Kepanjen.... wahahahaha......

Pondok pecut sendiri bertujuan supaya para siswa-siswi kelas IX bisa lulus UN dengan nilai yang bagus and tambah rajin beribadah. Pondok pecut udah ada sekitar beberapa tahun belakangan ini. Pondok Pecut sebelumnya diadakan selama 12hari. Tapi gara-gara ada kakak kelasku yang berbuat gag karuhan. Finally Pondok Pecut yang sekarang ini cuman diadain selama 8hari aja.

Well mendingan gue tulis dulu deh beberapa Hak and kewajiban para peserta pondok pecut.

Setiap Peserta Berhak Atas:

1. Fasilitas yang layak meliputi:
* Fasilitas Belajar
* Fasilitas Bersih diri
* Fasilitas Ibadah
* Fasilitas Menginap
2. Mendapat ijin pulang sebanyak satu kali selama pelaksanaan pondok pecut
3. Berhak untuk tidak mengikuti salah satu kegiatan dengan alasan yang dapat dipertanggungjawabkan

Setiap Peserta Berkewajiban:

1. Mematuhi peraturan yang telah ditetapkan
2. Membawa segala perlengkapan yang dibutuhkan
3. Mengikuti seluruh kegiatan yang telah dijadwalkan oleh panitia
4. Membayar segala biaya yang telah ditentukan
5. Keluar masuk sekolah dengan seijin guru piket
6. Berprilaku sopan terhadap masyarakat disekitar lingkungan sekolah

Setiap Peserta Dilarang:

1. Membuat gaduh / keributan yang dapat menggaggu kelancaran kegiatan pondok pecut
2. Membawa barang-barang berharga, senjata tajam dan barang mewah lainnya
3. Berpakaian yang terlalu modis dan tidak sopan yang tidak mencerminkan seorang pelajar muslim
4. Meninggalkan sekolah tanpa seijin guru piket
5. Meninggalkan kegiatan tanpa seijin guru piket
6. Merokok
7. Membawa dan mengkonsumsi barang yang memabukkan
8. Siswa putra dilarang berkeliaran di lantai atas, kecuali pada saat pemberian materi / Bimbel
9. Siswa putrid dilarang berkunjung ke tempat tidur siswa putra, kecuali pada saat Rotiban

Well, that’s it! Kita semua harus mentaati peraturannya. Kalo enggak, bakalan diberi sagsi sama panitianya.

Yah, begitulah…. Ketat sih, peraturannya… tapi gue suka kok!
And lo tau gag?.... pondok pecut tuh seruuuuuuuu banget...... dengan adanya pondok pecut, gue jadi makin deket sama guru-guru and temen-temen gue semuanya……..
And this time, gue mau cerita pengalaman gue waktu kegiatan pondok pecut….
Tapi, gue bingung mau cerita yang mana dulu.....

Ok, ok... kita mulai dari hari pertama.

Hari pertama Kamis, 27 April 2010

Gue Uswatun Khasanah (uus) pagi-pagi banget siap-siap buat istigosah di sekolahan. Setelah istigosah gue smsan sama Ahmad Mahfud Ramadhana (dona) gue bilang, supaya dia gag sms-dulu selama aku ada kegiatan pondok pecut. Hiks.... sedihnya gag bisa smsan sama dia. Setelah itu gue pulang and siap-siapin keperluan buat pondok pecut (siap-siap apanya… orang, gue pondok pecut cuma bawa soal-soal ujian and kerudung doag). Hari sebelumnya seluruh siswa SMP Islam Kepanjen diharuskan membawa karpet / tikar buat alas tidurnya. And then, siangnya... sekitar jam 2.00 p.m semua murid kelas IX dari SMP Islam Kepanjen harus udah ngumpul di sekolahan. Gue sih datangnya agak telatan cause jarak rumah ke sekolah kan deket hehehehe.....
Sorenya, kita semua sholat berjamaah di Masjid Baiturrahman Kepanjen. After that, kita semua ngumpul di ruang tempat tidur cowo’ buat pembukaan Pondok Pecut and baca rotib (semacam do’a sholawat) bersama-sama. Trus... abis baca rotiban kita semua ada bimbel sampe menjelang magrib sekitar jam 5.45 p.m. Saat adzan magrib dikumandangkan kita semua di giring ke masjid buat sholat magrib berjamaah. Setelah sholat magrib, kita semua biberi waktu buat break or dinner selama 30 menit. Setelah itu balik lagi deh Bimbel sampe’ jam 9.00 p.m. setelah bimbel ke II selesai kita semua sholat Isyak berjamaah di masjid. Setelah sholat isya’ kita semua diberi waktu buat belajar... tapi yang udah ngantuk yah langsung tidur aja, and klo lagi laper ya makan aja.
Well, saat hari pertama gue gag tidur sih! Abisnya, gimana mau tidur.... did you know? Dalam satu ruangan isinya ada sekitar 40 lebih siswi. Bayangin aja gimana sumpeknya gue waktu itu. Alhasil gue mulai ngelakuin hal-hal yang gag jelas (GJ) mulai dari nyanyi-nyanyi gag jelas, joget-joget gag jelas, lari-lari gag jelas, lompat-lompat gag jelas gitu….. wahahaha..... tapi temen-temen gue semua udah pada tidur, sementara gue sendirian gag bisa tidur. Pertama sih gue jalan-jalan keliling sekolahan cuma mau cari angin aja and siapa tau ketemu penampakan (whahahaha.....) tapi gue malah disuruh balik ke kamar sama guru yang lagi patrol.... sebel deh, aku kan gag bisa tidur.... lo tau gag, temenku tuh klo tidur ada yang mendekur (ngorok) kenceng banget lagi klo mendekur....
Jam 11.00 p.m gue masih belom bisa tidur. Gue mulai keliling kelas, ternyata ada temenku yang tiduran di kelas, namanya Dewina Fitri Shofiyani (dwina) and Latifah (latipah). Ya udah, gue ikut aja tidur-tiduran di kelas. Tapi, gue tetep aja gag bisa tidur. Gue malah gangguin temenku yang udah pada mau tidur. Jam 00.00 a.m gue tetep aja belom bisa tidur, alhasil gue nulis puisi gitu di buku diary-ku trus.... ada temenku namanya Dewi diskyara (dewi r), Aurora Rindu (aurora) and Dewi Ayuningsih (dewi a) yang tiba-tiba bangun, and gag bisa tidur lagi. Well, akhirnya gue sama mereka talking-talking sampe subuh. Finally gue gag tidur deh.

Hari kedua Jum’at, 22 April 201

Paginya, sekitar jam 2.30 a.m gue bangunin tmn-tmn gue buat sholat di masjid. Kita sholat sunnah tobat, sholat sunnah tahajud, sholat sunnah hajad, and sholat subuh berjamaah. Sesudah sholat subuh, kita semua mandi, temen-temenku ada yang mandi di kamar mandi sekolah, di kamar mandi masjid, di kamar mandi umum, etc. klo gue mah mandi di rumah aja.... pagi itu sumpah gue ngantuk banget... cause semalam gue gag tidur. Alhasil gue tidur sebentar di kamar rumahku. Ternyata eh, ternyata pas gue bangun udah jam 7.00 a.m OMG gue langsung mandi and cepet-cepet ganti baju and lari-lari ke sekolah.
Untungnya, ternyata gue gag telat. Bimbelnya belum dimulai. Gue bernafas lega. Tapi hari itu sumpah, gue ngantuk banget. And gag enaknya itu pas bimbel gue satu kelas sama Widhia Rama Putra Angela (rama) musuh bebuyutan gue dari kelas tujuh dulu. Oh, No! klo menurut gue, satu kelas bareng rama tuh bencana buesar banget buat gue. Tapi, serunya..... gue satu kelas juga sama Tsalis Alfath Reivan (revan) hehehe.... gue jadi grogi nih, klo satu kelas sama dia. Zzzzzzt....
Setelah Bimbel pagi selesai para siswa di giring ke masjid buat sholat Jum’at. And then yang cewek. Dihimbau buat tidur siang. Tapi.... gue gag mau tidur siang cause aku sama tmn-tmnku Afika Afiatus Zahro (afika), Riski Pangestin (riski), Rivani Setyoningsih (rivani), Firda Ayu Amalia (firda), Rindi Antica (rindi) ngobrol-ngobrol di kelas. Sesudah cowo’ jum’at-an yang cewe’ disuruh sholat duhur di masjid.
Jam 2.00 p.m kita semua disuruh mandi. Setelah mandi, sholat ashar berjamaah and then baca rotib. Whahahaha..... lo tau gag.... kita semua kan, baca rotib di ruangan tidur cowo’. And di atas kipas angin ruangan tuh ada celana dalem-nya cowo’ yang nyangkut warnanya merah wahahahaha…... Parah buanget deh, Wahahahaha...... sumpah... jorok abis ya, siswa cowo’. Seusai baca rotib, kita semua ada Bimbel.
Well, ketemu lagi deh sama rama nyebelin. And tau gag, hari itu gue dihina habis-habisan sama rama. OMG..... rama..... lo tuh cewe’ apa cowo’ sih.....? heran deh! Tapi untungnya... aku dibelain sama revan and Aditiya Fajar Nawan (adit) wahahahaha.... thanks ya... kalian berdua baik deh....! (wahahaha)
Setelah, bimbel.... sholat magrib di masjid truzz dinner. Abis itu, Bimbel lagi. Aaaaaaagggggghhhhhh,,,,,, gue makin marah sama rama. Dia kok nyebelin buanget yah, lo tau gag rama, gue tuh gag suka sama tingkah lo yang sok itu.... alasan kenapa dari dulu gue gag pernah bales semua kelakuanmu yang nyebelin, cause klo gue terlalu marah and benci sama lo... takutnya ntar gue malah suka sama lo. Tapi amit-amit deh.... males suka sama cowo’ kaya’ lo. Zzzzzzzzzzttttt....... Aigoo.... but, ada serunya juga cause gue jadi dibelain sama revan. (wahahaha...) senangnya....
Ok, setelah bimbel selesai, kita semua sholat isya’ di masjid. Setelah itu gue belajar sebentar sama Reza Firmansyah (resa) and M. Nunqi Baihaki (nunqi). Abis itu, gue balik ke kamar tidur cewe’ tapi gue gag bisa tidur. Truss, rivani, afika, pangestin ngajakin aku tidur di kelas IXa. Akhirnya gue sama mereka tidur disana.

Hari ketiga Sabtu, 23 April 2011

Gag kerasa udah jam 2.00 a.m gue dibangunin sama pak Jum’ali (pak tukang kebon) katanya sih kelanya mau di pel. Zzzzzzzztttt..... gangguin aja..... ya udah, akhirnya gue sama tmn-tmn pindah tidur di kamar tidur cewe’.
Jam 3.00 a.m gue sama semua temn gue dibangunin sama guru-guru. Trus kita semua sholat sunnah and sholat subuh di masjid. Seusai sholat gue pulang ke rumah buat mandi. Setelah itu gue ikut bimbel... yeah... just like the other day... same like that. I mean, why that day I’m doing something strange to him. Just only looked him face I’m felling better than everything. But, I’m never told him when I’m still like him.
Ok, hari ini bimbelnya Bahasa Inggris and Biologi. Well, waktu pelajaran Bahasa inggris tuh seru banget. And gag aku sangka, ternyata revan pinter banget Bahasa inggris. Aku aja kalah sama dia. Setelah bimbel over, kita semua ada belajar tambahan. OMG, I’m so tired… Ujian Nasional tinggal 2hari lagi. Wow…. Gag nyangka waktu berjalan secepat itu. Ok, setelah belajar selesai kita semua disuruh istirahat. Waktu itu tiba-tiba gue dipanggil sama pak guru disuruh ngumpul di ruangan kelas. Gue panic, gue pikir gue kena’ masalah, ternyata… gue dijadiin Ketua pengurus kelas saat Ujian Nasional nanti. Tugasku cuman ngambil pensil-pensil, penghapus and nomer ujian yang ada di gurunya. And aku juga di suruh nyiapin berdo’a and baris ke seluruh peserta UN yang satu kelas sama aku. Kebetulan waktu UN aku ada di ruangan 46.
Siangnya, gue lagi gerah banget and gue pengen mandi. Alhasil gue keramas (cuci rambut) di kamar mandi guru. Hehehe…. Abis itu sholat asyar berjamaah di masjid. Abis sholat asyar kita abaca rotib seperti biasa… and then bimbel. Hari itu bimbelnya Bahasa Indonesia… trus sholat magrib di masjid. By the way, di masjid lagi ada acara pengajian gitu. Jadi ruame buanget… kita semua gag boleh keluar deh…. Hiks.. hiks.. hiks.. padahal hari itu gue laper buanget…. Malah gag dibolehin pulang… sungguh tega… finally aku beli soto di kantin sekolahan sambil sms adikku Ahmad Zainurrozikin (kojjhen / arek elek) smsnya gini “He arek elek…. Aku mbok di gawakno camilan ngono tah…. Aku gag oleh metu karo gurune…. Aku luwe saiki…..” artinya : “He anak jelek, aku bawain camilan dong…. Aku gag boleh keluar sama guruku…. Aku laper sekarang….” Wahahaha….. ternyata aku sama arek elek dikirimin makanan….. hehehehe…. Makasih ya arek elek…. Kamu emang adikku yang pualing buaik. Hehehehe….. alhasil, setelah bimbel selesai siswa yang cowo’ disuruh tetep stay di kelas. Kelihatannya sih mau disuruh nata bangku…. Cause besok kelasnya mau dipake’ buat istigosah.
Malemnya, gue makan bekal yang dikirimin sama arek elek tadi. Gue makan bersama sama tmn-tmn gue yang juga pada makan. Pas udah selesai makan gue belajar diruangan guru sama temen-temen. Kita belajar disana di bimbing sama guru-guru yang tetep stay disekolah. Kita terserah mau belajar apa. Klo gue mah, belajar Bahasa inggris aja, cause gue paling bisa sih, emang Bahasa inggris. Well, klo gue liat-liat yang belajar sih cuma anak yang niat and giat aja… cause yang laennya uda pada tidur.
Well, waktu tidur uda tiba and you know penyakit insomnia gue mulai kambuh, gag bisa tidur deh gue… mulai deh gue ngelakuin hal-hal yang gag jelas… gue lari-lari bolak-balik dari kelas IXa – IXd pas lagi enak-enak lari…. Tiba-tiba pak zen datang waduh… gawat tuh, akhirnya gue pura-pura tidur di sebelahnya Ade Nur Ma’rifah (ade) dia kebetulan lagi tidur di kelas. Hehehehe…. Pak zen tuh buaik buanget yah… pas waktu mau tidur aja aku diselimutin. Ade juga diselimutin, ade di cium sama pak zen. Rivani juga diselimutin. Klo atmita sih gue gag tau, cause gue gag sempet liat dia waktu itu. Atmita juga tidur di kelas, waktu itu. Tapi, dia tidurnya agak jauh dari aku sama ade sama rivani.
Malem itu ruame buanget. Di masjid lagi ada pengajian, pokoknya ruame buanget. Gue sempet mikir, besok kan semuanya boleh pulang, trus gue dirumah ngapain, gue bosen dirumah lebih asik disekolah sama temen-temen. Gag kerasa malem itu gue bisa tidur.

Hari keempat Minggu, 24 April 2011

Pagi sekitar jam 2.00 a.m gue dibangunin sama rivani. Kita semua disuruh ke masjid buat sholat seperti biasanya. Setelah sholat selesai tmn-tmnku ada yang langsung pulang. Emang sih, pulang, tapi cuma sebentar. Ntar jam 2.00 p.m disuruh balik lagi ke sekolah. Tujuannya pulang tuh buat minta do’a restu ke orang tua and saudara-saudara supaya di do’ain biar lancar waktu ngerjain ujian.
Gue langsung pulang and langsung masuk ke kamar and tidur deh. And tau-tau pas bangun udah pukul 10.00 a.m waw… gila, gue tidur berapa jam yah? Abis itu gue langsung sarapan and mandi.
Gue siap-siap buat pergi istigosah ke sekolahan. Siang itu gue ngajakin Ibukku. Tapi malah katanya ibukku kepalanya lagi sakit. Well.. agak sedikit kecewa sih… besok kan aku ujian, masa’ ibukku gag bisa sih ikut aku ke sekolahan buat istigosah… Waktu itu sumpah aku sedih deh!
Tapi ternyata eh ternyata, ibukku bisa datang ke sekolahan! OMG senangnya hatiku….! Thanks Mom. I Love You. Saranghamnida…… Akhirnya ibukku duduk disebelahku baca do’a bersama. Waktu itu disana ada beberapa anak yatim. Setelah baca istigosah kita semua disuruh amal buat anak-anak yatim. Terusss…. Seluruh siswa kelas IX disuruh sholat asyar di masjid. Sore itu hujan duuueeerrreeessss buanget. Tapi untungnya ibukku udah sampe’ di rumah.
Selesai sholat kita semua ada bimbel. Sesudah bimbel sholat magrib trus dinner deh. Waktu dinner sih, aku ijin pulang ke rumah buat makan. And aku juga pesen ke ibukku klo ntar malem aku minta dikirimin makanan buat sahur. Cause besoknya aku mau puasa. After that aku balik lagi ke sekolah and ikut bimbel seperti biasa. Waktu bimbel ternyata salah satu temenku yang namanya rindi lagi sakit. Trus gue disuruh nungguin dia di kamar tidur cewe’. Yaudah, truss aku ijin ke Pak Zen yang kebetulan lagi nungguin anak-anak bimbel di kelasku. Tak lama kemudian afika dateng and gantiin aku jagain rindi. Finally aku balik lagi ke kelas buat belajar.
Saat di kelas, aku lagi asik ngerjain soal-soal bahsa Indonesia. Tiba-tiba pak zen dateng and duduk di depanku sambal ngajakin bicara. Hari itu pak zen Tanya gini “Us, pacarmu anak mana?”
Gue jawab gini “Saya gag pernah pacaran pak”.
“Alah, mosok us?”
“Iya pak, saya gag pernah pacaran”
“Lha kenapa kok gag pernah pacaran?”
“Soalnya saya gag kepingin pacaran pak…”
“Tipe cowokmu iku kayak saya yah?”
“Hahaha… iya pak! Soalnya pak Zen pinter.”
“Loh gag koyok Cania tah?”
“Waduh, Cania…. Saya gag suka pak sama cania.” Dalam hati gue bilang gini (saya suka cowok yang kayak revan pak! Tapi sekarang saya gag suka sama revan lagi. Cause dia udah punya pacar and dia ngerokok lagi, saya gag suka pak kalo revan itu ngerokok and terus-terusan maen game) tapi sayangnya, waktu itu revan lagi tidur.

Tak lama kemudian pak zen Tanya lagi…
“Us, kamu itu kalo’ bisa ngelanjutin ke SMA Negri”
“Iya sih pak, tapi kenapa?”
“Soalnya kamu itu pinter”
Dalam hati gue bilang gini (What? Gag salah ya pak, saya itu bego’ pak… buktinya saya sampe sekarang gag pinter matematika)
“Saya loh gag pinter pak”
“Loh, kamu itu pinter trus PD lagi”
“Oh gitu ya pak! Menurut Pak Zen saya itu gimana?”
“Kamu itu orangnya msih anak-anak, trus kamu juga PD, kamu itu orangnya pemberani, terus..”
“Loh pak, kok saya dibilang anak-anak sih…..”
“Kamu itu memang masih anak-anak, buktinya, kamu belom pernah pacaran”
“Iya sih pak…”
“Kamu itu sebenarnya banyak yang suka… tapi cowo’-cowo’ semua pada takut kalo kamu tonjok”
“Waduh, kenapa takut pak… klo mereka gag salah gag aku tonjok kok pak…”
“Tapi kamu itu pasti kalo sudah besar nanti cantik”
“Hehehe… trus pak?”
“Kamu itu kalo sudah besar pantas jadi pemimpin”
“Hahaha…. Alasannya apa pak?”
“Kamu orangnya tegas, pemberani… trus… PD”
“Trus pak?”
“Kamu itu orangnya mudah bergaul. Apalagi dengan orang yang lebih dewasa daripada kamu”
“Hehehe… trus pak….”
“Cita cita kamu pengen jadi apa?”
“Saya ingin keliling dunia…. Tapi, bisa gag pak?”
“Bisa, didunia ini itu tidak ada hal yang tidak bisa…!”
“Tapi orang tua saya gag setuju dengan cita-cita saya pak… boro-boro mau keliling dunia, orang saya pergi ke Malang sendiri saja gag boleh”
“Ya itu tandanya mereka sayang sama kamu, tapi kalo kamu pengen keliling dunia kamu harus buktiin ke orang tua kamu kalo kamu itu bisa”
“Iya pak…”
“Us, kamu kan suka baca buku… jadi besok Ujian Bahasa Indonesia kamu harus dapet nilai yang bagus loh”
“Amin… insya allah pak… tapi saya sudah lama gag baca buku..”

Tak lama kemudia Bu Warsini datang buat ngajarin anak-anak yang masih kebingungan jawab soal.

Yah…. Padahal waktu itu gue masih pengen ngobrol sama pak zen lebih lama lagi…..
Cause pak Zen udah memberi nilai positif buat aku…. Thanks Sir….!

Setelah bimbel over, aku ternyata dapet kiriman dari ibukku. OMG, ternyata ibukku ngirimin aku makanan buat sahur. Aku sama ibukku dikirimin Bakso. Hehehe… Thanks Mom.
Malemnya gue belajar bareng tmn-tmn gue yang lagi pada belajar, sambil di temenin sama Bu Marfi’ah and Bu Warsini (Guru Bahasa Indonesia). Waktu itu gue bingung mau belajar yang mana. Finally gue balik ke kamar tidur cewe’ buat tidur. Sebelum tidur gue sempet makan bakso dari kiriman my mom. And then gue waktu itu masih belom bisa tidur. Finally gue ada niat mau jalan-jalan seperti biasa. Dalam perjalanan ternyata gue ketemu sama Bu Yulianik and Bu Yati.
Wah… akhirya aku kena’ marah deh…! Jadinya aku tidur sambil ditemenin bu yati… sungguh tega… aku kan pengen jalan-jalan bu…..

Hari kelima Senin, 25 April 2011

Pagi sekitar jam 2.30 a.m gue bangun and jalan-jalan sebentar trus nyempetin buat sahur. Cause paginya gue pengen puasa. And then Sholat subuh and solat sunnah di masjid berjamaah. Next, gue, firda, rindi and rivani mandi bareng di rumahku. Tapi kita mandinya giliran. Dalam perjalanan kita ngomongin detik-detik menjelang Ujian Nasional. Kita sempet grogi sih, cause beberapa menit lagi kita mau berperang sama mata pelajaran Bahasa Indonesia.
Waktu tmn-tmn gue udah pada selesai mandi, mereka semua sempet ngopi dulu di rumahku, sambil nungguin aku selesai mandi. Trus, abis itu mereka balik lagi ke sekolahan, and aku ditinggalin cause aku kalo mandi luammmaaaaa….
Pas gue udah selesai mandi, ada temen gue namanya dwina, dia nyariin gue.. kayaknya sih dia mau pinjjem sepatu ke gue, cause kemarin dia lupa bawa sepatu ke sekolahan.
Finally everything is over and I’m going to school with better feel. And did you know? Gue ngerjain soal Bahasa Indonesia dengan lancer tanpa gangguan. Gue bener-bener yakin kalo nilai gue ntar bakalan bagus. Tapi semalem gue ngipi kalo nilai Bahasa Indonesia gue bakalan dapet 50. OMG. Gimana nih?? Gue panic buanget, perasaan gue ngerjainnya dengan teliti and hati-hati and penuh pertimbangan. But why, in my dream I seen when my score is 50. That’s a bad dream. Hope not comes true. Amien.
Setelah ujian Nasional Over, kita semua disuruh ganti baju and di suruh istirahat atau makan atau belajar. Well I choice to listening music. Because I’ll feel so better after I’m listening music.
Gue hari itu bener-bener panic, cause besok pelajarannya matematika. Oh no! Matematic is a difficult. I hate that part. What should I do? I hate mathematic. Sumpah hari itu gue panic banget. Gue bingung mau belajar yang mana. Mathematic is so difficult. Finally gue belajar ditemenin sama resa and nunqi.
Setelah sholat duhur tiba, gue sama tmn-tmn gue pergi ke masjid buat sholah duhur berjamaah. Setelah sholat duhur over, gue lanjut lagi belajar matematika sama resa nad nunqi. Well, mereka berdua tuh kueren buanget pas lagi ngerjain soal… senangnya melihat cowo’ yang puinter matematika. Andai aja revan pinter kaya’ mereka…. Wahahahaha….. Imposible….
Ok, setelah itu gue tidur siang di kelas IXc. Sekitar jam 2.00 p.m. gue dibangunin sama tmn gue katanya gue dipanggil ke ruang sekertariat. OMG, apaan sih gangguin orang lagi tidur aja. Sebel deh, lo tau gag, ternyata gue dipanggil cuman buat dikasi duit Rp.15.000 owalah, nggeletek!
Jadi gag bisa tidur lagi deh… akhirnya gue jalan-jalan. And pulang ke rumah buat mandi. After I’m bath I’m pergi ke masjid buat sholat asar berjamaah. Setelah itu gue sama temen-temen ikut rotiban seperti biasa and bimbel.
Azzzzzztttt…. Bimbel kali ini gue nguantuk buanget yah… Ok, bimbel over, sholat over and bimbel ke dua over. Saatnya tidur.

Hari keenam Selasa, 26 April 2011

Well, this time to mathematic. And I’m so tired, so sleepy. What should I do? Ok, focus… I can do it, I can do it, I can do it…. Think positive.
Matematic test is over. And you know…. Gue bener-bener gag bisa…. Emang sih gue bisa ngerjain…. Tapi cuma beberapa aja. Tadi di kelas gue sempet nangis, cause gue gag bisa ngerjain soalnya, terlalu sulit buat gue. Gue gag bisa matematika, gimana ini? Nilai matematika gue pasti gag bagus deh. Ya allah, aku mohon berilah nilai yang baik pada mata pelajaran matematikaku, aku tadi ngerjainnya banyak yang ngawur. Abisnya, aku ngitung tapi gag nemu-nemu jawabannya, jelas aja gue panic… udah gitu wahtunya tinggal sedikit lagi…. Azzzzztttt….. Gimana yah nilai matematikaku? Semoga dapet nilai yang bagus Aminen.
Setelai itu gue pulang ke rumah and balik lagi ke sekolahan. Pas mau masuk ke kelas. Bu BP nanyain aku gini “Us, tapi gimana matematikannya? Bisa gag ngerjainnya?”
Gue jawab gini “Aduh bu, saya tadi ada yang bisa dan ada juga yang gag bisa”
“Tapi yang diajarkan guru-guru banyak yang keluar kan?”
“Iya bu, tapi memang saya gag bisa matematika.”
“Jadi, kalo ada apa-apa kamu jangan salahin gurunya loh,”
“Iya bu…. “

Oh no! Kenapa pake tanya-tanya segala sih bu? Saya emang gag bisa matematika..... but please, don’t ask me about my mathematic test now! Please everybody. Gue emang gag bisa matematika… gue emang bego banget buat mata pelajaran matematika. Aaaaaaaggggggghhhhhhh……
Ok, now I should focus to English test. By the way, why… in this part my headset is broken. Oh no! besok Bahasa inggris… tapi kenapa headsetku putus. Gimana nih… mana gue kalo belajar Bahasa inggris sambil nyanyi-nyanyi lagi. Lo tau gag, cara gue belajar Bahasa inggis itu dengan cara nyanyi-nyanyi lagu manca. Like taylor swift’s song, miley cyrus, jonas brother, Justin bieber, selena gomez, avril lavigne, demi lovato, david archuleta, etc…
Pokoknya gue harus ada headset sekarang juga. Finally gue minta anter paklek gue. Namanya Paklek Pomo, dia paklekku yang paling nyebelin tapi enak dimanfaatin, gue minta anter aja paklek pomo cari headset muter-muter. And finally ketemu juga headset. Hehehehe…. Saatnya mendengarkan lagu…! Gag ada yang bisa ganggu gue kalo gue lagi dengerin lagu. Hehehehe dunia serasa milik gue sendiri… Hahahaha…. Gue seharian dengerin lagu sambil nyanyi-nyanyi… cause sebagian besar gue hafal semua lagu yang ada di mp3 hp gue. Semuanya lagu manca and korea. Yang indo sih cuma 2lagu aja. Lagunya bondan yang hidup berawal dari mimpi and lagunya rebecca yang maafkan aku mencintai kekesihmu. Hehehehe… lagu indonya Cuma sedikit ya…. Padahal lagu manca and koreanya ada sekitar 300 lebiih…. Hehehe….
Pokoknya gue focus ke Bahasa inggris aja. And lo tau gag. Malemnya nih… ada temenku yang tiba-tiba kena angina duduk. Gue gag tau angin duduk itu apa. Yang jelas katanya bahaya banget, sama guruku dia lagusung dibawa ke rumah sakit. And ada juga temenku ada yang kesurupan loh. Wahahaha…. Ini nih kesukaanku…. Yang udah aku tunggu-tunggu sejak pertama aku ikut pondok pecut. Gue langsung ngampiri temenku yang lagi kesurupan. Namanya Melisa. Aku tau alasan kenapa dia di rasukin sama penghuni sekolahan. Cause aku rasa penghuni sekolahan gag suka sama tingkah dia yang kurang ajar. Dia emang cewe’ yang pendiam, tapi dia tuh nakal banget. Makanya penghuni sekolahan gag suka sama dia.
Well, penghuni sekolahan tuh sebenarnya baik-baik loh… malahan buaik banget, tapi ke aku sih….. hehehe… cause biasanya aku curhat ke mereka. Pasti yang lagi baca part ini lagsung ketawa gag percaya deh. Tauk ah, lo percaya apa gag. Pokoknya gue sering banget dateng ke sekolahan malem-malem sendirian cuma buat curhat ke penghuni sekolahan. Gue gag takut sama mereka. Gue cuma takut sama allah aja, cause allah yang nyiptain aku and yang matiin aku. Tapi untugnya temen-temenku yang laen gag banyak yang nakal. Emang sih mereka nakal tapi gag sampe’ keterlaluan kaya’ melisa (temenku yang kesurupan itu)
Well, gag lama setelah itu melisa udah sadar, gue sempet bilang sih ke penghuni sekolah yang nempel ke melisa jangan gangguin temen-temenku lagi, kasihan mereka besok ada ujian please jangan ganggu kita semua. Kita anak baik-baik kok. Percaya deh…(Wahahahaha) gila!
Setelah banyak temen-temenku yang tau kalo’ ada yang kesurupan, mereka semua pada panic. Terutama temenku yang namanya firda, dia ketakutan gag karuan, dia minta pulang lagi… well gue bilang gag ada apa-apa kok santai aja. Kalo kita gag ganggu mereka, mereka gag bakalan gangguin kita kok beb…. It’s fine…. (Wahahahaha)
Parah ya…. Masalah udah mulai muncul… klo gue mah alhamdulilah fine-fine aja sampe hari terhir pondok pecut. Ok gue lanjutin lagi nynyi-nyanyi bye….

Hari ketujuh Rabu, 27 April 2011

Annyong haseyo…. Pagi itu adalah Bahasa inggris and I’m so fine! Well, pagi itu gue sangat bersemangat. Gue ngerjain Bahasa inggris dengan mudah. Hehehe… berkat headset nih! Ok, Besoknya adalah hari terakhir, and that’s very hard… gue harus berpisah sama temen-temen and guru-guru. And loe tau gag? Sore itu gue kena marah pak zen. Gara-gara gue kalo keluar sekolah sering gag pake kerudung. Oh No! kenapa mesti gue yang kena marah…. Hiks… hiks… sungguh tega. Gue dimarahin didepan semua murid kelas IX. OMG muka gue mau ditaru di mana.
Mana udah gitu, maktu di kelas aku diledekin sama tmn-tmnku yang cowo’ bahkan revan juga ikut ngeledekin aku. Hiks… hiks… gue pikir lo beda…. Tapi ternyata sama aja kaya’ temen-temenku yang laen….. Huaaaaaa……. Sedihnya……..
Alah udah lupain aja.... i’m fine... everything is fine.... hahahaha.... Ok, Lnjut cerita. Oh ya, setelah waktu itu rama minta maaf ke gue... well gue maafin lo kok, dari dulu malahan.... tapi emang gue sengaja gag mau minta maaf duluan ke lo. Cause gur tau klo bisa aja sewaktu-waktu lo bisa jahat lagi ke gue.
Well, sumpah, akhir-akhir ini rama tuh baik banget loh ke gue, dia sering bantuin gue tanpa harus gue minta, trus dia juga gag ngeledekin aku lagi, malahan aku sering diberi masukan / kritikan sama dia. Hahahaha.... lo baik banget deh rama....
Oh ya, akhir-akhir ini gue juga lebih deket sama revan, tapi revan tetep aja gag jelas. Dia kok aneh ya.... sometime dia sering ngelihatin aku, lama banget lagi. But gue gag takut malahan gue tantang lo buat lama-lama liat-liatan. Hahahaha.... emang sih gag jelas and gag penting banget buat ditulis....well.... i don’t care....
Ok, bimbel is over, and tomorrow is IPA. See you....

Hari kedelapan Kamis, 29 April 2011

Well, this day is the last day. Besok kegiatan pondok pecut udah gag ada. And gue harus balik lagi tidur di rumah. Hiks... hiks....
Well, lo tau gag? Pagi itu sumpah gue ngantuk. And gue ngerjain soal IPA dengan menyontek.... Oh No! ini bukan gue banget. Seorang uus telah menyontek saat ulangan. That’s so ridiculous.... well, gue terpaksa nyontek.... gimana yah, hasilnya nanti.... semoga nilai gue dapet bagus. Amin.
Ok, UNAS is over and time to go home. Semua temen-temenku pada beres-beresin barangnya. Ada yang bawa kasur, chopper, boneka, selimut, bantal, guling, etc.. klo gue mah Cuma bawa 1tas yang isinya Cuma soal-soal ujian and 1tikar aja.
Well, kasihan temen-temenku yang rumahnya jauh-jauh. Bawaannya buayang baget, kaya orang mau pindahan. Buahahahahaha......

Well, itulah pengalamanku saat pondok pecut. Sangan menyenangkan, seru, keren, wes pokok.e Kereeeeeeennnnnnn...... aku pengen ada pondok pecut lagi......
Oh ya, semuanya..... do’ain aku LULUS yah...... AMIN....

Thanks for reading this experience I hope you’re like with my experience in Pondok Pecut.

Bye..... See You.......

Wait don’t forget to leave a message or coment yeah!

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O'Donnell has also appeared as a political analyst on The McLaughlin Group, The Al Franken Show, and Countdown. He was an Emmy Award-winning producer and writer for the NBC series The West Wing and creator and executive producer of the NBC series Mister Sterling. He is also an occasional actor, appearing as a recurring supporting character on the HBO series Big Love, portraying an attorney. He began his career as an aide to U.S. Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan and was Staff Director for the Senate Finance Committee.

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hilary duff sexy 2011

hilary duff sexy 2011
hilary duff sexy 2011
hilary duff sexy 2011
hilary duff sexy 2011
hilary duff sexy 2011

Hilary Duff was born in 1987 in Houston Texas, USA.
It is the second child of Susan Colleen , a homemaker and film producer, and husband Robert Erhard Duff , a partner in a chain of stores. Has an older sister, Haylie Duff, who also is an actress and singer.
Her mother encouraged her to take acting lessons with his sister, resulting in various roles for both in local theater productions.
At 6 years, participated in the ballet “The Nutcracker Suite” with the Columbus BalletMet in San Antonio. Since young Hilary and Haylie appeared in several commercials.
Two sisters, excited about the idea of pursuing the career of professional actresses, they moved to California with her mother.
His father stayed in his hometown to take over and keep the family business.
Her parents separated after a long marriage. She wrote about it in her songs “Stranger” and ” Gypsy Woman ” .
Early in his career were playing small roles, not accredited, as in the miniseries, Hallmark , “True Women” (1997).
Also extra work in drama from director Willard Carroll , ” Playing by Heart “in 1998.
His first major role was in the TV movie ” Casper Meets Wendy , “which was the sequel to the film” Casper . ” While not passing through the film, was released to rave reviews several
In 1999, he appeared in a supporting role in ” The Soul Collector “TV movie based on the novel by Kathleen Kane , starring Bruce Greenwood and Melissa Gilbert . Duff won a Young Artist for her role in it.
His first major opportunity would be selected as one of the young pilot episode of “Daddio” on NBC in 2000.
However, while having impressed the cast of “Daddio” was not hired for the series that had not yet begun to be issued. This undermines their desire to become an actress but was convinced by his mother and his representative, and a week later, was playing the role of Lizzie McGuire , for the series “Lizzie McGuire” . The show was based on the life of a teenager and his experiences during adolescence.
It was originally issued by Disney Channel in January 2001 and immediately became a best rating. Your participation in the show led her to become very popular among children between 7 and 14, and was called “the 2002 d and Annette Funicello “by the critic Richard Huff of the New York Daily News.
In 2003, reinterpret its role in the movie ” The Lizzie McGuire Movie ” .
During the time of “Lizzie McGuire “, starred opposite Christy Carlson Romano and Gary Cole , the Disney film “Cadet Kelly” (2002), which became the most successful channel all its 19 year history.
Also, I perform various interests in television series. His first would as a patient in “Chicago Hope . ” Later came “George Lopez , “American Dreams” , ” Joan of Arcadia “, “The Andy Milonakis Show . “
His work also includes a contract with the agency IMG Models , New York.
As for his film career, his first serious role in “Human Nature “(2002) with Patricia Arquette and Tim Robbins . In playing the role of the younger version of a natural woman, played by Arquette .
In 2003, he had his first starring role on the big screen when she was chosen as the partner of Frankie Muniz in “Get Codie Banks . ” The film was well received by critics and was successful enough to produce a sequel, in which Hilary did not participate.
That same year, when the release was “The Lizzie McGuire Movie” , which exceeded forecasts at the box office and received mixed reviews.
Later that year, play one of the twelve children of Steve Martin and Bonnie Hunt in “Cheaper by the Dozen” , which also included Ashton Kutcher and Tom Welling . It would also be part of the sequel ” Cheaper by the Dozen ” in 2005, it would not be recognized by critics as the first.
In 2004, starred in the romantic comedy ” A Cinderella Story , “with Jennifer Coolidge and Chad Michael Murray . Although the reviews were mostly negative, critics, however, praised the performance of Duff and was moderately successful in the audience.
Later that year, she starred in ” Raise Your Voice “with Oliver James , Rita Wilson and Rebecca de Mornay . This would be his first dramatic film role and would be well received by some and criticized by others. The film was a failure in terms of audience and box office in its assessment.
That year would receive his first Razzie Award nomination for his roles in ” Raise Your Voice “and “A Cinderella Story . “
In 2005, he had the lead role in “The Perfect Man “with Heather Locklear . In the film, she played the daughter of a divorced woman ( Locklear .). This year, it would be again nomineted for the Razzie awards .
In 2006, the comedy “Material Girls” , which co-starred with her sister Haylie, also would be welcomed by critics, grossing $ 16,900,500 worldwide. The same would be directed by Martha Coolidge and produced by the producer of Madonna , Maverick Entertainment .
In early 2007, the sisters Duff raised their voices for the computer animated comedy, “Foodfight , “which will be distributed by Lions Gate Films and scheduled to launch in 2008.
Also in 2008, Hilary will be with John Cusack in ” War Inc ” , “Greta” and “Safety Glass” .
Regarding his musical career in 2002, recorded a version of the song ” I Can `t wait” of Brooke McClymont . It was used for the soundtrack of ” Lizzie McGuire “, like” Why not ” . The album, “Lizzie McGuire Soundtrack “reach to be named Platinum.
His first album was “Santa Claus Lane , “released in 2002. He himself was a collection of Christmas songs which included duets with her sister Haylie , Lil ‘Romeo and Christina Milian
Along with the single Disney Channel ” Tell me a store (about the night befote) ” , peaked at number 154 in the chart of Billboard and was certified gold. The song ” What Christmas Should Be “was used in “Cheaper by the Dozen” .
Their second studio album and first was ” Metamorphosis “(2003), which reached number 1 in Canada and the United States. He became one of the biggest sales of the year in the U.S.. His main song, ” So Yesterday ” was a hit in the top ten in several PITI, followed by ” Come Clean ” used in the series “Laguna Beach” .
In late 2003, began her first tour, called The metamorphosis tour , and later, Most Wanted Tour . Most of their shows sold out tickets sold.
In January 2004, was released the second Disneymania, “DisneyMania 2″ . The duo was advertised as “The Siamese Cat Song , “which she sang with her sister. Another of his songs ” Circle of Life “, included Duff along with other stars of Disney .
Along with her sister recorded a cover of the The Go Gos , called ” Our Lips Are Sealed “for the soundtrack of the movie “A Cinderella Story” . The video for this song, became popular on MTV, but the song did not reach the Billboard Hot 100.
His third album was titled “Hilary Duff” , which he co-wrote some songs. This was described by her as more personal and more influenced by rock. It was released in September 2004 and debuted at No. 2 in the U.S. and 1 in Canada.
Their only single ” Fly ” failed to enter the Billboard top 100, but he made a post 40 in Australia, where he released a second single, ” Someone `s Watching over Me” . The song ” I `ll Give Anything up “was used on the album” Marlo Thomas & Friends: Thanks & Living All Year Long ” (2004).
His fourth album ” Most Wanted ” (2005), met their favorite songs from previous albums, remixes and new songs inspired by pop musicians of the rock as The Killers and Muse . To achieve the same participate more actively in the creative process, co-writing with producers Joel Madden and his brother, both members of Good Charlotte .
The single principal was ” Wake Up “which became the largest rise Duff on the Billboard chart in the United States. The video for the song also was highly touted by MTV. The album debuted at No. 1 on Billboard 200 and became her third No. 1 in Canada.
In 2006, he released a compilation called ” 4Ever ” , only to Italy. In addition, he recorded a series of new songs for the movie “Material Girls”, which included a cover of the song by Madonna , “Material Girl” .
Her fifth album, ” Dignity ” , was produced with Kara DioGuardi , who also work with other producers such as Richard Vission and Rhett Lawrence . The same was described as more electronic than the previous, more influence of dance music.
His first single, ” Play with fire ” , was a minor hit in the clubs but did not reach the U.S. charts, and “With Love” , was more successful, topping the Billboard Hot Dance Club Play Chart .
The video for the song ” With Love was used as a commercial of her first fragrance, With Love .. Hilary Duff , released in 2006 and peaked at No. 1 for the most requested (Total Request Live).
Although scheduled to be released in 2006, the album was released in April 2007, achieving top five U.S. and Canada. His tour The Dignity Tour , started in mid-2007 and a third single, ” Stranger “was number one in the U.S. nightclubs.
In 2007, Duff announced that it will record their next single, “Reach Out “, which will use influences from Depeche Mode and their song ” Personal Jesus ” .
Always diverse, launched her clothing line ” Stuff “in March 2004 with the distribution of firm Target , Kmart and Zellers, in different countries.
The company Playmates toys, launched a doll with your picture that year, and in 2006, Mattel released the Barbie Hilary Duff.
In December 2006, launched her perfume With Love … Hilary Duff , which was distributed by Elizabeth Arden . In January 2008, launched the summer version of it.
In his private life, began a relationship with Aaron Carter in 2001. They met on the set of “Lizzie McGuire “during an appearance by Carter in a Christmas episode. Both would end their engagement after Duff was deceived by Carter with Lindsay Lohan and her best friend.
In 2004, started dating the lead singer of Good Charlotte , Joel Madden . The two separated in 2006.
In 2007, he was seen with Mike Comrie , although none of them has said anything about their relationship.
Hilary is involved in several charitable foundations related to animal rights and is a member of Kids with a Cause . He has also donated money to victims of Hurricane Katrina.
In 2007 he was ranked number 23 on the Hot 100, issue of Maxim , and this year 2008, was seventh in the ranking of the world’s sexiest women, the edition of FHM.

Hilary Duff Images

Hilary Duff Information

Hilary Erhard Duff (born September 28, 1987) is an American actress, singer song-writer and book author. After working in local theater plays and television commercials in her childhood, Duff gained fame for playing the title role in the Disney Channel television series Lizzie McGuire. She subsequently ventured into motion pictures and has many successful films to her credit including The Lizzie McGuire Movie, Cheaper by the Dozen, A Cinderella Story and Cheaper by the Dozen 2. She has most recently appeared in According to Greta and Stay Cool. As of December 2010, her upcoming films include, Bloodworth, The Story of Bonnie and Clyde, and She Wants Me.

Duff has since expanded her repertoire into pop music with the release of three RIAA-certified platinum albums: Metamorphosis, her debut studio album, was certified triple platinum and was supplemented by a further two platinum albums, Hilary Duff and Most Wanted. In 2007, she released her third studio album, Dignity, which was certified gold later than year and spawned singles "With Love" – her highest charting US single to date – and "Stranger". Best of Hilary Duff, a compilation of her greatest hits, was released in the last quarter of 2008 producing her a third #1 on Billboard's Hot Dance Club Songs with the single "Reach Out". Duff has sold over thirteen million records worldwide; her contributions to the music industry have gained her commercial and critical success worldwide while Billboard ranked her the 69th Artist of the 2000s decade.

Branching into the fashion industry, Duff has also launched her own clothing lines, Stuff by Hilary Duff and Femme for DKNY Jeans, and two exclusive perfume collections with Elizabeth Arden as well as having been signed on to modelling agency IMG Models. Other business ventures include writing a young adult novel Elixir and being accredited as an executive producer for According to Greta and a producer for the films Material Girls and Beauty & the Briefcase.

hilary duff bikini

hilary duff bikini
hilary duff bikini
hilary duff bikini
hilary duff bikini
hilary duff bikini

Stephanie Meyer, look out! Actress-turned-popstar-turned-writer Hilary Duff has signed a deal to write young adult novels for publishing company Simon & Schuster.

The newly engaged 22-year-old has already penned her first novel, Elixir, which will be published in October. There are no handsome vampires or shirtless werewolves in the teen story, but it does have an interesting heroine. It follows the global adventures of photojournalist Clea Raymond, whose gifted photography skills prevent tragedies before they occur.

Her next one is a nonfiction book about kids coping with divorce. Her parents are divorced and she will reportedly use her own personal experiences for the book, which is scheduled for release in 2012. Fans will remember that Hilary has written about her own parents’ separation in the songs “Stranger” and “Gypsy Woman.”

Jana Kramer Images

Jana Kramer Information

Jana Rae Kramer (born December 2, 1983 in Detroit, Michigan) is an American actress and country music singer.

Kramer played Noelle Davenport on Friday Night Lights and Portia Ranson on 90210. She played a sorority girl interested in Turtle in Entourage. In 2009, Kramer signed on to become a series regular in The CW's One Tree Hill as Alex, an actress who becomes the new face of Brooke's fashion line, "Clothes Over Bros". In February 2011, Kramer signed with Warner Bros. Nashville Records. Her first single, "I Won't Give Up", was released to country radio in February 2011 and was featured on an episode of One Tree Hill. Despite failing to chart on the Billboard Hot Country Songs chart, the song reached number 75 on the Billboard Hot 100.

On December 22, 2009, Kramer got engaged to Johnathon Schaech. The couple met on the set of the movie Prom Night and appeared as a couple in Laid to Rest. They wed on July 4, 2010 in Michigan. On August 9, 2010, it was announced that Kramer and Schaech had divorced after a little over a month of marriage.

Jay Cutler (American football) Images

Jay Cutler (American football) Information

Jay Christopher Cutler (born April 29, 1983) is a quarterback for the Chicago Bears of the National Football League. He played football at Vanderbilt University. Cutler began his professional football career with the Denver Broncos, who selected him as the 11th overall pick of the 2006 NFL Draft. He spent three seasons with the Broncos before he was traded to the Bears in 2009.

Jay Cutler (bodybuilder) Images

Jay Cutler (bodybuilder) Information

Jay Cutler (born Jason Isaac Cutler August 3, 1973 in Sterling, Massachusetts) is an IFBB professional bodybuilder and the current Mr. Olympia, a title he has won four times.Cutler started working in his family's concrete construction business, Cutler Bros. Concrete, at the age of 11, and started training when he was 18 years old as a senior at Wachusett Regional High School. He graduated from Quinsigamond Community College in 1993 with a degree in criminal justice with the intent to work as a guard for a maximum security prison. Cutler quickly excelled in bodybuilding, and took his first overall win in 1993 at the Iron Bodies Invitational. His first contest was the 1992 Gold's Gym Worcester Bodybuilding Championships, at which he took second place. He won consecutive Arnold Classic titles in 2002, 2003, and 2004, and placed 2nd to Ronnie Coleman in the Mr. Olympia four times before claiming the title in 2006. Cutler won the Olympia for a second consecutive year in 2007. Jay Cutler became the 3rd Mr.Olympia in history (along with Arnold Schwarzenegger and Franco Columbu) to reclaim the title, and the only Mr. Olympia in history to reclaim the title after having lost, returning on stage, and defeating the reigning champion Dexter Jackson in 2009. In 2010, he went on to win his fourth Olympia title, defeating Phil Heath. He was inspired to enter bodybuilding after meeting personal trainer, Marcos Rodriguez.